About Nicole Nolan, MPP, LCSW

Nicole Nolan is a licensed clinical social worker who has several years of experience working both individually with clients and on a larger scale to effect change in the field of mental health and prevention. Nicole works with a variety of child, adolescent, and young adults who experience grief, anxiety, depression, ADHD, school avoidance, parent/child conflict, sports performance anxiety, and more. 

Using her experience as a school social worker, she also provides advocacy and consultation for her clients and their families with regards to school supports and obtaining services. Nicole believes in a holistic and collaborative approach to the needs of her clients, incorporating modalities such as Cognitive Behavioral Theory, Trauma-Informed Care, and Systems Theories. 

Nicole is especially skilled at navigating the children’s system of care, has vast experience with higher levels of care, and collaborates frequently to improve the overall outcomes of treatment for her clients. 

Previously, Nicole served as the county’s wraparound therapist for the Family Crisis Intervention Unit (FCIU) focusing on juvenile diversion and truancy and has also worked at the county level bringing prevention and mental health resources to youth through county grant funding and school-based programming.

My Education & Experience

  • M.SW. (Master of Social Work – Clinical Practice with Children & Families): Monmouth University
  • M.P.P. (Master of Public Policy): Monmouth University
  • B.A. (Philosophy): Rutgers University, New Brunswick

Nicole received her Master’s in Public Policy (2014) and Clinical Social Work, Practice with Families and Children (2017), from Monmouth University, graduating with honors from both programs as well as being awarded NASW-NJ’s Harriet Bloomfield Memorial Student Scholarship. 

She currently sits on the Chapter Committee on Nominations and Leadership Identification (CCNLI) for the National Association of Social Workers (New Jersey).


Nicole has co-authored several research papers on the topic of youth suicide prevention and has had work presented at the American Association of Suicidology’s annual conference. More recently, Nicole was selected by the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) to revise their national policy on youth suicide prevention. Nicole frequently provides professional development and consultation to agencies, communities, non-profits, and school districts on best practices for traumatic loss, postvention response and youth suicide prevention and intervention, as well as best practices for overall student mental wellness and resiliency.

Therapeutic Approach

My approach to therapy is a person-centered, holistic approach with an emphasis on empowerment, collaboration, advocacy, and validation. With a focus on childhood, adolescent, and young adulthood, I have experience with a variety of challenges facing young people today and utilize only evidence-based modalities for treatment. 

When working with Whole Peace Counseling, we will explore a variety of factors that impact mental health. From this collaborative approach, we will work together to the find the root of your challenges and overcome them. I provide both in-person sessions here at my office in Atlantic Highlands, as well as virtual, telehealth. I am also an approved Out-Of-State Telehealth Provider in Florida and Connecticut.


Whole Peace Counseling specializes in treating specific issues related to childhood, adolescence and young adulthood, including anxiety and depression, grief & bereavement, childhood trauma, school challenges, life transitions, and ADHD. 

From a holistic approach, Owner and Founder Nicole Nolan, MPP, LCSW, uses a variety of evidence-based interventions including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Trauma-Informed Care, Psychotherapy, Parent Coaching, and more. 

Our goal at Whole Peace Counseling is to provide collaborative, solution-focused care that celebrates each unique client in overcoming their needs, utilizing the most up-to-date research to guide treatment goals.

Reach out to me today!

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